Thursday, July 21, 2011

Websites I like

Here are a few sites I really like. 

Nom Nom Paleo. The blog posts are entertaining, and she is always finding new and fun ingredients. 

The Foodie. This website is updated everyday, now you never have a reason to get board with paleo eating!

Everyday Paleo. An everyday mom of three boys and her experiences with raising kids paleo. She also has a great podcast. 

Marks Daily Apple. This site is good for the more "primal" eaters. He has WOWs (work out of the week) and good recipes. 

Elana's Pantry. This site is not paleo but it is gluten free! I like this site when I really want to bake or make something on the sweeter side.

Most of these sites update daily, so check them out!


This is an easy paleo friendly pesto. Make a lot of it because it will go fast!

2 cups of (good quality) walnuts
4 cups of fresh basil
1/2 tsp. garlic powder (no salt)
1/2 tsp. of sea salt
1/2 tsp. freshly ground black peper
1-2 cloves of garlic (depending on how strong of a garlic flavor you like)
1 lemon
2/3 cup of (good quality) olive oil

First: In a food processor add walnuts, basil, garlic powder, salt, peper, clove(s) of garlic, 1/2 of the lemon, and 1/3 of the olive oil.
Then: Pulse ingredients, when it starts coming together, taste it. Does it seem too have a more pronounced oil flavor? If yes, add more lemon.
Next: Continue pulsing and stream in the rest of the oil. 

This pairs well with veggies and bacon! (or straight out of the bowl) :)
This also freezes well.